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Quoi de neuf chez MBenz !?

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  • </font><blockquote>citation:</font><hr />Débat lancé par Sandorf:
    Je ne sais pas si il ya aura assez de puissance pour aller de l'Hôtel de Paris à Monte-Carlo au Casino du même lieu !... </font>[/QUOTE]ça dépend du réservoir ! s'il faut faire plusieurs fois le tour de la place pour se garer...


    .... mince, une Bentley vient de lui piquer la place ! ce n'est vraiment pas de chance, ça devient envahissant ces parvenus

    l'Amicale des Mercedes-Benz w124


    • Maybach Exelero

      Conçue pour une campagne de publicité du manufacturier Fulda (propriété du groupe Goodyear) et pour le développement de nouvelles gommes hautes performances, la Maybach Exelero est un coupé hors du commun. Le V12 biturbo de la limousine 57 a été porté à 700 ch. Son couple maximal atteint 1.020 Nm. L'Exelero a été chronométrée à plus de 351 km/h sur l'anneau de vitesse de Nardo (Italie). Cette étude débouchera-t-elle un jour sur un coupé Maybach de série ? On peut toujours rêver.


      • Quoi ! comment ! eh oui... MBenz l'a fait, la gamme CLS vient de se voir adjoindre un modèle CLS 320CDI et particularité à l'heure où nous sommes très concernés par l'Europe et ses avantages et désavantages...
        Ce modèle 6 cylindres sera livré de série en Suisse, Allemagne, Autriche et Nederland avec le filtre à particules... ailleurs c'est en option !
        Modérateur Forum Mercedes Benz
        Paddock Café et Forum généraliste


        • Cela me semble refléter la conscience écologique de ces pays, ajoutée à leur poids commercial pour MBenz ...


          • Ils pourraient le mettre en France en serie aussi puisqu'il est obligatoire pour l'homologation (enfin pour le ML 320 CDI en tout cas)


            • MERCEDES E_420 CDi...[Gloups]

              Environ 315CV et +700Nm... j'en ai froid dans le dos!

              [size="1"][ 21.05.2005, 12:37: Message édité par : Pouch250 ][/size]


              • Mercedes-Benz launches engine offensive
                Stuttgart, 05/18/2005 - Mercedes-Benz is now offering greater comfort and driving dynamics in the C, CLK, CLS, and E-Class with a total of eight new six-cylinder models. The engine offensive is based on all-new V6 petrol and diesel engines that are the best in their displacement class in terms of power output, torque, fuel consumption and environmental friendliness. Another new arrival is the E 420 CDI, whose eight cylinder engine delivers 231 kW/ 314 hp, making it one of the most powerful passenger-car diesel engines in the world. Mercedes-Benz is also offering four new engine variants for the CLK-Class and has upgraded both the coupe and cabriolet versions by redesigning the front end and implementing numerous technical innovations that ensure even greater safety and comfort. In addition, the CLK cabriolet, the CLS-Class four-door coupe, and the 4MATIC version of the E-Class are now available for the first time ever with V6 diesel engines.
                The new CLK 280, CLK 350, and CLK 320 CDI six-cylinder models have made the CLK-Class even more powerful and sporty than ever before. Customers who purchase the Mercedes E-Class will have 27 engine and body variants to choose from in future. Five of the engines are completely new - two six-cylinder CDI units, two V6 petrol engines and, beginning in the autumn of 2005, a new V8 diesel engine. Along with the powerful petrol engines delivering 200 kW/272 hp and 225 kW/306 hp - and the CLS 55 AMG (350 kW/476 hp) - the CLS-Class model programme will in future also include the new CLS 320 CDI with a V6 diesel engine delivering 165 kW/224 hp. Like all other CLS-Class engines, the new six-cylinder diesel also comes with the new seven-speed 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission as standard equipment.
                With four new six-cylinder engines, the Mercedes-Benz C-Class now has the most modern engine line-up in its market segment. The diesel engine range is led by the new C 320 CDI, which replaces the five-cylinder in-line engine previously used. The latest in state-of-the-art six-cylinder petrol engine technology will become available in mid-2005 for the first time in three performance classes: in the C 230 (150 kW/204 hp), the C 280 (170 kW/231 hp) and the C 350
                (200 kW/272 hp). The models equipped with the new six-cylinder petrol engines consume up to 13 per cent less fuel than their predecessor models.

                The new Mercedes-Benz E 420 CDI: the world’s highest-torque passenger car diesel engine
                Stuttgart, 05/18/2005 - In autumn 2005, a new Mercedes-Benz E-Class model variant powered by the world’s highest-torque passenger car diesel engine will go into series production. The 231-kW/314-hp V8 powerplant develops maximum torque of 730 Newton metres at engine speeds as low as 2200 rpm. This allows the new E 420 CDI to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just 6.1 seconds on its way to a top speed of 250 km/h. Combined fuel consumption stands at 9.3 litres per 100 kilometres.
                Among the standard features of Mercedes-Benz’ new flagship diesel model are a maintenance-free particulate filter, seven-speed automatic transmission and AIRMATIC air suspension.
                Heading the list of technical innovations in the new Mercedes eight-cylinder powerplant – which also boasts an aluminium crankcase, cooled exhaust gas recirculation and electrically driven intake air throttling – is third-generation common-rail direct injection.
                The new Mercedes-Benz eight-cylinder diesel engine is fitted as standard with two oxidizing catalytic converters and a maintenance-free particulate filter system, allowing it to keep below the stringent EU-4 exhaust-gas limits. The particulate filter does not require the use of additives and is cleaned as required whilst on the move through engine functions such as double fuel post-injection.
                The new eight-cylinder CDI engine will celebrate its series production premiere in the E-Class in autumn 2005 and will also be made available for other Mercedes-Benz passenger car model series in the future.

                100,000 miles at world-record speed
                Stuttgart/Laredo, 05/18/2005 - Mercedes-Benz has set a new diesel world record and has once again succeeded in highlighting the performance, reliability and environmental compatibility of today's advanced diesel engines. The three standard-production Mercedes-Benz E 320 CDI models completed the 30-day, 100,000-mile, marathon at an average speed of 139,699 mph (224,823 km/h) without suffering any problems.
                Mercedes-Benz set three cars at once on course for a record at the high-speed cir-cuit in Laredo, Texas; all three successfully covered the record distance, thereby providing proof of the E- Class's reliability three times over. To do so each of the three candidates did no fewer than 20,000 laps. In addition to their powertrain, their chassis and body structure was also pushed to the limit. Dramatic climatic variations, with temperatures up to 45°C (113° F) and the con-tinuous vibration caused by the uneven road surface provided additional challenges for the vehicles. This ordeal proved the durability of the new, 165 kW/224 hp V6 CDI diesel engine as well as the seven-speed 7G-TRONIC automatic trans-mission. This world-record run allows premium manufacturer Mercedes-Benz to demonstrate once again that today's diesel engines are among the most advanced drive systems available.
                The world-record run was supervised by the FIA, which sets and enforces strict rules for tests of this kind.

                Comprehensive range - Mercedes-Benz offers innovative diesel cars in every category
                Stuttgart/Laredo, 05/18/2005 - Today's diesel engines are ideally suited to all vehicle categories – as a look at the current range of Mercedes-Benz diesel models confirms. And it is not just their economical fuel consumption and environmental compatibility that make them such a popular choice. In terms of both performance and comfort, diesel engines are firmly established as the equals of petrol powerplants. The current range be-gins with the 60 kW/82 hp A 160 CDI and extends right up to the new E 420 CDI with its output of 231 kW/314 hp.
                No less than 20 models on sale in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland already feature a diesel particulate filter as standard while summer 2005 will see 40 Mercedes-Benz models equipped with this technology. In all the other markets, most diesel models are also option-ally available with a diesel particulate filter. This means that, worldwide, the Stuttgart-based company will be offering more vehicles with diesel particulate fil-ters than any other manufacturer.
                Mercedes-Benz has been offering vehicles with diesel particulate filters since autumn 2003, making it the first vehicle manufac-turer to combine the diesel particulate filter with EU4 compliance. To date, some 140,000 vehicles equipped with this exhaust technology have been delivered to customers. With effect from autumn this year, Mercedes-Benz authorised work-shops will also be offering diesel particulate filters for retrofitting to E and C-Class models.

                [size="1"][ 21.05.2005, 12:40: Message édité par : Pouch250 ][/size]


                • L'image ci-dessus est l'arrivée d'un nouveau record du monde pour MBenz... j'ai pas tout lu, mais je crois qu'il s'agit du run de 100.000 miles le plus constant possible à 225 km/h (c'est des E_320 CDi, ... et le tout à moins de 5l/100 apparemment!)


                  • ce run sert à promouvoir le diesel M-Benz aux USA, en même temps que la sortie de toute une gamme (avec en particulier aussi le CLK cab' 320cdi).
                    Ils ont fait 100000 miles, en s'arrêtant pour ravitailler et les vidanges (10 vidanges) + pneus..., à 225 km/h de moyenne. Autos de série. Belle performance.


                    • W221 ?? Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce truc ?

                      Un véhicule d'essai de sécurité ??


                      • Fort simple cher ami le type W221 est le type en W de la nouvelle classe S...
                        la " chose " que l'on peut voir ici représentée, n'est autre qu'un de ces nombreux mulets déguisés pour les essais de cette nouvelle et fort attendue S Klasse !...

                        Ces W vont nous faire tourner en bourrique !
                        Modérateur Forum Mercedes Benz
                        Paddock Café et Forum généraliste


                        • Merci Sandorf. Je m'en doutais en suivant l'ordre des actuelles classe S W220, mais ce machin plein de boulons tout de même ...

                          En bourrique !! [img]graemlins/party.gif[/img]


                          • Nouveau record pour Mercedes :


                            • Que deviennent ces voitures ?
                              Voilà de bonnes occasions "à saisir" !


                              • Dans ce dossier, ce " nouveau projet " MBenz intitulé SLT à de quoi faire sourire... et de rappeller furieusement le défunt coupé de chez BMW ! Mais on se rassure : c'est en direct de chez Autobild et du studio maison passé maître es Photoshop...

                                Modérateur Forum Mercedes Benz
                                Paddock Café et Forum généraliste

