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Le Mans overalls

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  • #16
    i like your country rokkkkkkkokkkkkko, great colour, architecture, kind of life, in le mans one day?


    • #17
      ""my tailor is rich...!!!""

      je sais pas si il est riche, mais en tout cas il vient de remporter les 24 heures de Daytona, le Taylor! [img]graemlins/buck.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/biggrinking.gif[/img]


      • #18
        matt: So you have been here?

        I don´t think that Volvo will do that kind of cars. Some people tried to get a Volvo into to the race (a P1800) in the 60´s but nowadays it´s unfortunally impossible.

        But a Saab 93 raced in Le Mans 1959! :-D

        Kind regards // Richard


        • #19
          </font><blockquote>citation:</font><hr />Débat lancé par Rokkoko:
          Hahaha! You ARE crazy! But I like you anyway!

          I prefer Absinthe if we talk about french drinks... :-D
          </font>[/QUOTE]Baahh the absinthe not good [img]graemlins/evillaugh.gif[/img] !! We here we prefer the beer quite as my brothers of Heineken Motorsport... [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img]
          I know that it has to make for you far, I come vou to Le Mans to see the 24 hours ???


          • #20
            </font><blockquote>citation:</font><hr />Débat lancé par Rokkoko:
            Laurent: Sorry, but my french is really poor. If you wan´t you can translate.

            Thanks for the link!

            Kind regards // Richard
            </font>[/QUOTE]Ah come on! Even the American speaks french here! (just kidding ...although he really does well he does is a different story!)


            • #21
              Bon ben on vous laisse [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img]

              j'espere qu'ils ne vont pas se racconter n'importe quoi moi, lol !! [img]graemlins/dork.gif[/img]


              • #22
                c une bonne idee ca!


                • #23
                  Appelé José on est atteind par la mondialisation , y vont finir par nous délocaliser Le Mans!!


                  • #24
                    Meuh non, Ils ont leur "petit"...
                    Quoique leur ventre est gros...
                    Ahhhhh ils vont nous délocaliser le Mans.... lol


                    • #25
                      I believe that our friend rokoko has difficulty in translating us... Lyle should help you, but even we sometimes we do not understand, especially Hunaudieres lol !! It is on that, that must be difficult [img]graemlins/evillaugh.gif[/img]


                      • #26
                        Hehe! You are right... I am lost!


                        • #27
                          lost ??? oh no ... ouhhhh ouhhh We are there [img]graemlins/party.gif[/img]


                          • #28
                            </font><blockquote>citation:</font><hr />Débat lancé par Riko:
                            I believe that our friend rokoko has difficulty in translating us... Lyle should help you, but even we sometimes we do not understand, especially Hunaudieres lol !! It is on that, that must be difficult [img]graemlins/evillaugh.gif[/img] </font>[/QUOTE]wé, je peux traduire. mais je n'ai que le temps de visiter le forum une ou deux fois par jour! (à cause de la fac, pas à cause de mon envie de venir ici!)


                            • #29
                              Isn´t it easier if you all learn swedish?


                              • #30
                                oh yes !!! but with pretty Swedish girl [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img] as professor for particular courses only...

