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Mini Clubman John Cooper Works...

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  • Mini Clubman John Cooper Works...

    "Expect power of the Clubman S's 1.6-liter turbocharged unit to at least match that of the JCW Mini, which is rated at 189 horsepower and 185 lb-ft with an overboost function that pushes torque to the 200 lb-ft range, likely through a reworked ECU and exhaust tuning as is the case with the JCW Mini. Given the Clubman's increased heft and dimensions over the base Cooper, a bump into the 200 horsepower-plus range is entirely possible. Suspension updates may also be in the offing.

    JCW badges will no doubt adorn the exterior and interior, and you can expect several interior trim updates featuring carbon fiber accents. We'll have more details on the JCW Clubman as they become available."

  • #2
    Re : Mini Clubman John Cooper Works...

    zut!! je viens de trouver le post d'Arwen!!!!
    double emploi alors, mais toujours bon pour les yeux!!

