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"Hamm-The MINI Convention 2004"

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  • "Hamm-The MINI Convention 2004"

    hi there!

    i just wanted to inform you that on april 17th & 18th the second "mini convention" will take place in hamm (germany) again!.

    'till today we have 123 signed in minis and we expect round about 200 to come to this event!!.

    pictures of this event can be found here:


    here is the program:

    saturday, april 17th:

    - world record attempt for the guinnesbook of records!. we try to beat the current record of 171 minis in one corso!

    - slalomparcours with great prizes (trip to oxford for a visit at the plant !!)

    - lots of tuners will be there and they will offer great prices!

    - tuners are: maxituner, digitec, john cooper works, rp-mini, hms-tuning, evotech, mth, chromdesign, brembo

    - massive party in the evening with 150 participants 'till today!

    sunday, 18th :

    - 80km tour with round about 80-100 minis !

    registry can be done via

    if you need any further info dont hesitate to ask [img]smile.gif[/img]

    best regards and hopefully till april!


  • #2
    pas de bol ce sont les dates de la sortie Alsace04
    Mini Clubman Cooper S Bond Street et Rover Mini 40th.


    • #3
      Unfortunately, It comes a bit late ... Our agenda has been blocked in September last year... This Week-end, the Club-Nouvelle-MINI will be in Alsace... Sorry Mac, next time you're making such organisation, please come here to speak about it.

      CU. [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thumb.gif[/img]

