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Type R rap song...

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  • Type R rap song...

    A prendre au 3ème degré...

    Et les paroles (ça peux aider pour les "so-cal slang"):

    This is for my homies with the B16s... the B18s... the D16s... the H22s... and the F22s... the S2K and the Element too..

    And if you drive a 'Teg yo props for you.. i hip hop for you.. i drive my Integra everyday to school.. i cop my rims and i act a fool.. when i drive by the mall yo the bitches drool.. they be like "Whoa.. damn.. you car is cool... can i have a ride?".. Baby hop inside...

    V-Tec Baby.. B18C5.. V-Tec Baby.. Yea we doin it live..

    If it ain't a tyte car than it ain't a Type R.. it ain't a Type R then it ain't a tyte car.. if it aint a Type R than it ain't a tyte car.. if it ain't a tyte car then it ain't a Type R..

    I love my Honda.. Like i love my ganja.. I smoke a V8 like i smoke marijuana.. I love my Honda.. Like i love my ganja.. I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana..

    Gyeah.. I wanna give a shout out to.. and all the homies with the Civic Hatchbacks with H22s in em.. and Spoon engines.. and all that good shizzle for rizzle mah nizzle.. Haha.. I'm just stunnin on this one.. TYPE R.. it ain't a tyte car if it ain't a Type R.. I drive a 4 Door LS.. Hollla! Yeah.. Shout out to all my boys in ________.. Sup!? ****in Street Racers..

    And To all my dawgs with HIDs.. throw your motha****in hands up and follow me.. if u a pimp with HIDs throw your motha****in hands up.. Gyeah! I LOVE MY HONDA..

    I love my Honda.. Like i love my ganja.. I smoke a V8 like i smoke marijuana.. I love my Honda.. Like i love my ganja.. I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana..

  • #2
    merci pour les paroles !
    j ai pas de HP au bureau dc c est moyen pour le son et les MP3...

    d apres les paroles, je dis:
    ils sont bien atteints !, mais ca peut etre le bon plan de rouler en Honda... [img]tongue.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Excellent, mais les Hondistes en général sont vaccinés tout petit...

      Faut reconnaitre qu'ils font des putain de moteur...


      • #4
        J'ai téléchargé, bon pas mal si on prend au second degré! [img]graemlins/azzangel.gif[/img]


        • #5
          trop cool
          Mini One D Chili Red/Toit + Retro Blanc

