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  • web design In these cases, you  ought to get creative and discover how to create great designs that has  a much more limited palette than you’re familiar with working with.Web designers usually live solely in Photoshop. They may branch to Dreamweaver or maybe Fireworks, but  further exploration of the Adobe Creative Suite is normally unnecessary. However, in publications, you generally perform page layout in applications like InDesign and Illustrator. A few sorry souls  will still be using Quark but I can’t imagine why. The good news the following is that being  particularly strong in Photoshop makes you considerably more prepared to grab InDesign. The bad news is the  fact that it’s still an extremely different application so there’s a lot to learn.One of the most important concepts to comprehend is why you’re using multiple applications and the way  to incorporate them in your workflow within a synergistic fashion.  The simple answer the following is that Photoshop is made for raster graphics, everything  should be handled within your page layout app.