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Powerful real laser pointer to the auto material

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  • Powerful real laser pointer to the auto material

    The integration of technology has always been a part of our history. The past is a combination of ink to the ink pen and ink, is now a laser pointer, and merged into a new level, to create a real laser pointer. If you are looking for information on how to select the best laser pen, read on and know exactly how to do it.
    Determine color and strength. The most common colors for laser Pointers are red, red, orange, green and blue. Red typically produces weaker light, operating at 650nm, then orange red at 635nm, and green at 532nm, and blue is the most powerful operation at a wavelength of 473nm.
    Green laser pen is the most popular laser pointer on the market today, it is widely used in life, for outdoor activities such as military, astronomy, for indoor activities such as parties.